Say Hello To The New Gold Standard
Ushering in the Future of Automotive Diagnostics, Software, & Services
At Repairify, we design and supply advanced diagnostic tools to help you service more vehicles, more efficiently, with higher safety standards. Our innovative line of world-leading products and solutions equip you and your team to meet the demands of the modern garage – all you need is an internet connection.
Belron have been working with asTech in Europe for 3 years and asTech provide our Digital ADAS calibration systems and remote ADAS calibration once a new widscreen has been fitted in one fo our centres. Repairify are a proactive partner at the forefront of diagnostic development and support our business to ensure that we return our customers vehicles to the pre event condition. As a partner asTech provide great support to our technicans and KPIs have been regularly met and exceeded. Ultimately AsTech have helped us calibrate efficiently and safely, and have proved a valuable partner